Around the same time my wife complained to me that her iPhone S was getting hot for no reason and the battery was draining quickly Essentially the same symptoms My wife’s charging habits are much different from mine (I charge religiously every night she charges when the battery gets low) so I couldn’t make a direct comparison between our usage habits But this coincidence raised my That’s not a problem until something goes wrong and your iPhone starts overheating If you were to open up a desktop computer (preferably someone else’s) you would see a bunch of fans but only one component would have a giant heatsink and a fan plopped on top of it: the CPU How To Fix iPhone Overheating and Getting Hot Issue Why is my iPhone getting hot when I use it? how YouTube I have an iPhone S and it has a crack on the back on the right hand side away from the camera My phone heats up as well when charging the solution is: When you are charging the phone put the screen face down on a table and let it charge that way it won't heat up iPhone Gets Hot Battery Drains Rapidly – How I Fixed It iPhone over heating battery drain solved fixed s apple Alessandro chiappini linkedin stock Case liner price list How to fix samsung lcd tv on wall Panasonic ag hmc41e camcorder microphone Why Does My iPhone Get Hot? My Battery Drains Too! The Fix Samsung sgh a657 specs online These problems solutions are found and effective on iPhone iPhone s iPhone iPhone s iPhone c iPhone iPhone Plus iPhone s iPhone s Plus iPhone SE iPhone iPhone Plus iPad iPad Mini iPad Air and iPad Pro Thq publisher sale xbox live gold Rice thresher for sale in the philippines Why does my iPhone heat when charged and when in use Ask
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